Monday 6th February 2017
"Now therefore be not grieved,nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life"_ Genesis 45:5
When the brothers of Joseph were selling him off to the Midianites merchants, they thought they were finally disposing him for damnation. They never knew that they were only serving as tools in the hands of the only wise God for transposing the young man to global promotion. I pray for the reader of this devotional,"Every setup in your life shall set you up to greatness in Jesus name,Amen".
Friends,God is a master planner.No matter where you are in life today, it is just a good enough position for Him to work out that wonder in your life. Modecai was just a mere gateman at the palace but that was just the perfect place God needed him to be at the moment in order to get Esther into the palace. It took living with pigs to get the prodigal son back to his right senses. No situation in life is too bad for God to use. He is the God that calls out light from darkness and I see Him calling out life out of that dark situation of your life in Jesus name, Amen!
We all have a purpose to fulfil and God knows how well to bring us to those things and places that are relevant to the fulfilment of our purposes. Activities that God will use to bring us to our place of glory are currently going on though we may not know it. That's why we must avoid shortcuts and compromises.Shortcuts are sharp routes capable of cutting our lives short and compromising can short change us for life.If Joseph had given in to Portiphar's wife, he would never have made it to the palace. Trust in God with all your heart and lean not on your human understanding, for we know only in part.
May Jehovah the Arranger arrange and sort you out for a glorious week in Jesus name, Amen!
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