Maturity is My
Apart from the responsibility of choosing where to belong (membership),
we also have the daily responsibility of desiring and seeking after maturity. Galatians 4:1 says, "Now I say, That the heir, as
long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of
all;".Growth is necessity for dominion. We can't rule our world if we
refuse to grow.
Maturity is a daily necessity for continuous success and
relevance in life. It involves the act of shedding the leaves of
irresponsibility and selfishness and growing fresh leaves of responsibility and
selflessness. Even the world itself is on progressive motion thus stagnancy is
not an option for global transformers like you and I. No wonder the proverb in
pidgin English says, "I get am before no be property".
Do you know that the original translation for the words
'perfection' and 'perfect' as mostly used in the Scripture actually refer to
maturity and mature respectively. So
when God said to Abraham in Genesis 17:1,"...Walk before me and be thou
perfect", He actually said, "Walk before me and be mature". That
was of course after Abraham had committed the blunder with Hagar in chapter 16.
When Ephesians 4:12-13 says, "For the perfecting of the saints, for the
work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come
in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:",it
actually refers to "the maturity of the saints...unto a matured man, unto
the measure of the fulness of Christ". We cannot fully do the work of the
ministry (service) neither can we come to the fulness of Godship without
God is more interested in our growth (maturity) than He is
in our comfort. One of our mentors in the Foundation will always ask a rhetoric
question, "How many of you will give your minors your car key so he can go
and drive your car just because he is crying so hard?" The same way, there
are things that God can easily do for us in His might which He will not do in
His wisdom because we are not matured enough to have them.
Maturity comes in the place of learning and practice. Learning
and practice are products of the acquisition and right application of knowledge
2016 is almost one month down, having chosen where to
belong, let's also take the responsibility of growing in the area of choice. Have
a maturity oriented day!
©GLIFE Foundation International
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