Saturday, 20 February 2016

THE LEADER'S DIARY -20th February 2016

The Woman, A god to the Man
'And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.' _Genesis 2:18
One of God's work in our lives as humans is the role of a helper.The Bible is filled with testimonies of men acknowledging God Almighty as such: In Psalms 54:4, David notes,"Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul." while 1Samuel 7:12,Samuel addressed God as ' Jehovah Ebenezer' saying "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us".These are just drops admits the ocean of verses in the Bible that refer to God as a helper for mankind.
However the opening verse projects a scenerio where even God identified a need for a specially designed and programmed helper for the man(I am referring to a male in this instance).In other word,even God identified and agreed that it is no His place to function as helper in that case so He created another 'god'- the woman.I stand to be corrected but I insist that there are certain areas of a man life where no one,not even God, can help him other than his woman. No wonder the Bible admits that he that finds a wife,finds a good thing and obtains favour from God.This verse simply implies that the favour is an act of help and that act of help and its benefits God has deposited in the woman as a wife.
A man desiring to rule his world must see his wife as a god, only inferior to God Almighty, and treat her as such.As Pastor E.A. Adeboye notes,"A helper connotes an assistance but not an inferiority". Otherwise will we also say that God is our rag because He is also our helper?
However,wherever there is a god, there is a devil.Likewise,a woman,if care is not taken, might end up as a devil in a man's house all the name of a wife.She that must be treated like a god must first show herself worthy of such an elevated office. As a woman, you must know and adhere to the fact that your purpose in marriage is to help and not to head.Your coming in should bring favour and betterment into the life of the man.Such of course requires a lot of spiritual,mental and emotional sacrifice. As a leader of influence in the house,you must influence everything to work in line with favour which of course is domicile in you.
In conclusion, please marriage is not a pension plan neither is the man your gratuity as a woman.On the other hand,the woman is not your slave sir.She is your god, sent by your God to you, a divine ambassador. So treat her as such!
©GLIFE Foundation International

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