Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Wednesday 31st August 2016


"Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed." _ Joshua 13:1
Being quite knowledgeable in the intrigues of political economics, I quite sympathise with President Buhari (Nigerian President) considering the predicaments befalling oil dependent countries in the world. However, for every problem, there is atleast a solution and problem solving is the core essence of leadership. If there were no problems, there wouldn't be need for leaders.
So your key task as a leader is to fix the problems. If you can't fix it, then get out and let someone else do!
The same applies to our personal lives,we can give a million excuse but excuse is a product of failure!We can complain about the problems;who cares!Every fool can talk about a problem!
Don't celebrate where you are,strive for more so that it won't be said to you at old age, "there are yet many more lands to conquer".
Don't resign in failure or seek for sympathy. Life is to be celebrated and not pitied.Have you got a task of ten men given to you alone?Do complain yet,get it done first and then you can talk to the admiration of all!
You are created a problem solver but you need God by your side and His Spirit in your heart for without Christ, we can do nothing! Be a solution,stop the excuse and get it done!


Monday, 29 August 2016

Monday 29th August 2016


Every man that seeks dominion must keep to the laws of dominion. In  past series, we considered two of such laws:
-The Law of Total Abandonment
-The Law of Absolute Dependency
Every great man operates from a source and to sustain such greatness,there is a need for total dependence and reliance on the source. So we are only as successful as our source. That is why choosing the right source is very important. When our life is hung on men,then we will only go as far as men can go. But men that depend totally on God are limitless in exploit and unstoppable in dominion.
Total dependency on God involves following radical submissions:
*What are God can't do,let it remain undone!
*Whatever God can't give me,may I never have it!
*Wherever God can't take me, may I never get there!
God chasers are world changers. True dominion is God always and God only through Christ Jesus!


Wednesday, 10 August 2016


It is all about human capacity GLIFE Foundation International hosted youths in Akegbe Ugwu community in July...
Featuring: Seminar series, skill acquisition workshop, group discussion, games and music...m
GLIFE Foundation...making greatness out of mere men!

Monday, 8 August 2016

Tuesday 9th August 2016


We are created to be world changers, men that dominate their world.To achieve this, there are certain laws we must adhere to. The first is the law of TOTAL DEPENDENCY.
God is our only true source of dominion.The power and mandate to dominate our world comes from the fact that we are moulded in His image.A lamp can't shine once disconnected from its source of power.The same way true impact can only come if we stay totally dependent on the source of our mandate so stay connected ...

Monday 8th August 2016


"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion..."_Genesis 1:26
Our premier and original purpose of existence is not to worship God.No!Worship is a lifestyle,not an assignment. Neither were we created for merriment. No!Merriment is for relaxation,not a mission.
Our core essence of existence is to dominate our world.To impact our world with our God given potentials.You are too loaded and all that is deposited in you must be offloaded.
We have enough to give to our world on a daily basis that why we shouldn't let a day pass by without men feeling our impact.Because the benefits that God loads us with daily is for the benefit of our daily contacts.
Have a great week full of impact and dominion.This is not a prayer.It is a command!


Friday, 5 August 2016

-Friday 5th August 2016


"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet,and a light unto my path"_Psalm 119:105
A young man packing his bag for a journey said to his friend,"I have nearly finished packing.All I have to put in are a map,a lamp,a mirror, a microscope,a telescope, a volume of fine poetry,a few biographies, a package of old letters,a book of songs,a sword, a hammer and a set of tools". "But you can't put all that into your bag!", the friend objected. "Oh yes I can,here it is" said the young man as he placed his Bible in a corner of his bag and closed the lid.
Yes,the Bible is all that and more!All you need to breakthrough the rocks of life,see beyond the usual,navigate through and get to the top of your game in life is The Word of God.This Word is all you need to live,prosper and have a being.
In GLIFE Foundation, we are defying lack to impact our world and raise leaders.All that and more we are achieving just believing God's Word.Heavy financially demanding projects had been executed without having a dime because the Word is available.
When God sends His Word,He heals all infirmity and takes care of our limitations.
It is not about how many times you have gone through the Bible,it is about how much The Bible has gone through you.For His Words,they are life and light to a dead and dark world.
Newspapers tell us what men have done but The Word of God tells us what men ought to do.Stay on the Word and experience a quantum leap in your life.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

The Mind Conference & Cooperators' Red Carpet Dinner in The Institute of Management and Technology Enugu

True relevance in life is not attained by material acquisition but it actually comes by defying limits to impact lives and that is exactly what it was all about as GLIFE Foundation

THE LEADER'S DIARY  Wednesday 4th August 2016

 "I will praise thee;for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:marvelous are thy works;and that my soul knoweth right well" _Psalms138:14
The truth about a product is hidden in the mind of the manufacturer and the manufacturer reveals his mind about his product in the product's manual.Every other views and opinions are mere guesses.Your Maker's manual says you are:
1.Fearfully made:this means that God was full of positive fear not to make a mistake while making you.So you are an error free,carefully packaged product.
 2.Wonderfully made: this means that you are full of wonder!Stop going about trying to be someone else.
 3.Marvelous:this means that when you show up,you make men marvel!
God has never produced a failure even though men fail.We fail because we don't read the manual(Bible) so we go about life experimenting.Regardless of what you have gone through in life,your experience can never cancel out your abilities and people's opinion about you won't change your potentials.All that matters is that God has said it and your soul knows it right! @GLIFEfoundation
Facebook Page: GLIFE Foundation International

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Wednesday 3rd August 2016


"Thou shalt arise,and have mercy upon zion:for the time to favour her,yea,the set is come" _Psalm 102:13
Every man has his own set time.Many refer to such a time as opportunity. This is a time in the cycle of life when everything sets up in favour of the man.
However only prepared men can partake of the blessings of their set time. The greatest undoing of any man is arriving at his set time unprepared. Of Joseph,Psalms 105:17-22 records,"...Whose feet they hurt with fetters:he was laid in iron:Until the time that his word came: the Word of the LORD tried him..."
There is a set time prepared for us in the month of August.Let it not meet us unprepared.


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Tuesday 2nd August 2016


"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all" _Psalm34:19
It takes only a crushed grape to get the blood-red wine.Men that delivered in their generation were not men that studied much but men that suffered much yet persisted.Behind every glory there is a story well told.
If you are a child of God,then are you the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).  So when you are pushed to the darkest corner of life,rejoice for there shall your true radiance show forth. No man fully appreciates light until there is gross darkness.
Have a graceful day.
