Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Wednesday 31st August 2016


"Now Joshua was old and stricken in years; and the LORD said unto him, Thou art old and stricken in years, and there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed." _ Joshua 13:1
Being quite knowledgeable in the intrigues of political economics, I quite sympathise with President Buhari (Nigerian President) considering the predicaments befalling oil dependent countries in the world. However, for every problem, there is atleast a solution and problem solving is the core essence of leadership. If there were no problems, there wouldn't be need for leaders.
So your key task as a leader is to fix the problems. If you can't fix it, then get out and let someone else do!
The same applies to our personal lives,we can give a million excuse but excuse is a product of failure!We can complain about the problems;who cares!Every fool can talk about a problem!
Don't celebrate where you are,strive for more so that it won't be said to you at old age, "there are yet many more lands to conquer".
Don't resign in failure or seek for sympathy. Life is to be celebrated and not pitied.Have you got a task of ten men given to you alone?Do complain yet,get it done first and then you can talk to the admiration of all!
You are created a problem solver but you need God by your side and His Spirit in your heart for without Christ, we can do nothing! Be a solution,stop the excuse and get it done!


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