Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Tuesday 17th January 2017


There is a story of a farmer who had a mole for a pet and he loved it so much but one day the mole fell into a well. After so much effort to get the mole out of the well to no avail, the farmer decided to bury his poor pet by covering the well with earth rather than helplessly watch it die an agonising death by drowning. As sympathisers assisted in heaping sand into the well,the mole kept struggling for life.In the midst of all the traumatic drama, the mole suddenly thought out an idea! "This earth could actually serve as steps out!",the mole said to itself and immediately got to work shaking off the earth being heaped on it and using them as stepping stones. In no distant time, the mole was out of its grave.
Like the mole,how trully different life will be if we could,in the midst of the storms of life,reason through rather than wail and worry.
Every good reasoning metamorphoses into an action plan.Mark 15:17,regarding the prodigal son,noted "And he came to himself, he said...". Good reasoning truely results to planning and planning metamorphoses into action which produces result, as evident in the life of the prodigal son. However, in the absence of good reasoning, we become victims of circumstances,being tossed to and fro by the storms of life.
How do I ensure my reasoning is good? The answer is quite simple - humility. We must be humble enough to tell our own self the truth if we must reason to get result. Enough of the search for good excuses and playing of the blame game.There is no one to blame,not even yourself.Once it has happened, it has happened. The question is, now that it has happened,how do I remedy the situation and also ensure that it never happens again? Pride is an enemy to humility but a husband to excuses and the father of failure. Excuses are good reasons for bad result.
Good reasoning is not seeking who to blame neither is it the search for excuse. It is logical thinking that generates an action plan for result. It is not worrying. Worrying is simply an emotional destructive mental attitude that leaves the participant hypertensive and inactive. If all your mental work leaves you with is fear and inaction, then that is worrying.
How do I reason? There are 3 key dimensions of reasoning.The first is reasoning with self. Like the prodigal son,there is need to take a break, admist all the hustle and bustle, and discuss with yourself.Yes!Once in a while,you need to seat yourself down,look yourself eye ball to eye ball and tell yourself the truth about yourself and your life.
The second dimension of reasoning is reasoning with others.This involves getting other people's viewpoint, especially those ahead of you.One of the best ways of reasoning with great men is through their books.Daniel,while seeking for solutions as it pertains to the captivity of Isreal,finally testified in Daniel 9:2,saying,"In the first year of his reign,I Daniel understood by books the number of the years..." Truely,solutions to most of our problems in life are in books and readers will always remain leaders.Why? Because they reason with distant men from their books!The more we read,the more we develop capacity.Thanks to technology, we now have audio books, so you can now listen to books.Isn't that amazing!People who we associate with,either by books or physical contact,determine how we reason.The get-rich-quick mentality of my generation is as a result of the kind of the hype on social media,schools and environment.If we must change that,then there is need for the right association.
The third and most important dimension of good reasoning is reasoning with God.Can one actually reason with God?Yes!In Isaiah 1:18,God says,"Come now,and let us reason together..."God is not that wicked taskmaster who does whatever He wants without our consent. Not as though He can't but He won't! Because He is a loving father who is always ready to hear us out.He is willing to listen to your point of view and He is ready NOW.He says,"Come NOW", not tomorrow. Isaiah 41:21 says,"Present your case,says the LORD,Bring forth your strong reasons,says the King of Jacob". Wow!That's amazing. God wants me to present my case and give my reasons. The great thing about reasoning with God is that He never leaves you without a solution!
God's solution to our problems and challenges are embedded in His instructions for us. After inviting us to come and reason with Him,God goes futher to assure us in Isaiah 1:19 that we will be willing and obedient to the directives that He will give us, then we certainly will partake of the good of the land. Every greatness is tied to an instruction,great men are men that follow instructions and instructions are received at the table of good reasoning.
Welcome to my world.The key to greatness is indeed available but we can only access it if we are willing to reason with ourselves,with our fathers (mentors) and above all with God.You are destined to be great so access your greatness at the table of good reasoning.

©GLIFE Foundation International

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GFI...making greatness out of mere men

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